Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days total ruins and deafening silence

anarchist, anti-nationalist, dictators, Stop State and Capitalist criminals

Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days total ruins and  deafening silence

Thank you for this eye-opening wealth, Mike Gilli!

All they asked for was autonomous local government. Nusaybin is one of many Kurdish towns being wiped out on the orders of Erdogan, the darling of Europe.All they asked for was autonomous local government. Nusaybin is one of many Kurdish towns being wiped out by the dictator Erdogan, the darling of Europe.

The picture that heads this article explains everything. Nusaybin no longer exists.Among its ruins today have given the few dozen people who resisted, since 74 days ago, the brutal attack by the Turkish army.  from kurdiscat.with thanks

On President Erdogan' orders: while he blackmails billions freom the EU at home he boasts of genociding Kurdish peoiple who are 'all terrorists'.On President Erdogan’ orders: while he blackmails billions from the EU at home he boasts of genociding Kurdish people who are ‘all terrorists’.

Inhuman, disproportionate, including assault planes (yes Turkey has bombed its civilian population in the XXI century), tanks and heavy artillery against just a few hundred civilians armed with rifles.A33

In Nusaybin is only silence. The same silence of the entire international community.Allegedly humanitarian NGOs, the European left to itself cries out for other conflicts, rightwing demands in Venezuela, the United States condemning other regimes like Syria and silent with Turkish. Nobody has gone to Nusaybin. A global, disgusting silence that has turned a blind eye to the Warsaw Ghetto 2016. Del is not known nor the number of dead, and not counted. At least one thousand.

Young 'terrorists' in Nusaybin before it was destroyedYoung ‘terrorists’ in Nusaybin before it was destroyed

Nisêbîn his name in Kurdish, he had 80,000 inhabitants before the Turkish AKP government decided to delete the map. Today they are no longer. They are refugees in their own country. But refugees who can not reach Europe.

They are refugees that do not exist for anyone. Those who can not pay to cross the Aegean Sea. They will not come to Greece or Europe.Invaders have left them without homes, literally. More than 8,000 buildings have been destroyed by the Turkish bullets and bombs. They have lost everything: their homes, their possessions, their memories, their streets. In Nisêbîn, there aren’t even dogs, they have been killed or have fled.


Deputy HDP (Peoples Democratic Party), Ali Atalan, who has just had his immunity removed, has estimated at about 900,000 € economic damage. To this must be added the 50,000 people who, not only have been able to go live in other parts.

Those who have lost everything. On the few remaining walls, soldiers, neo fascists who infest the Turkish army, have written: “Now you will see the power of the Turks”.

''Terrorists''' celebrating International Women Workers Day.. 8th March”Terrorists”’ celebrating International Women Workers Day.. 8th March, before their city was wiped off the map

The army has committed this atrocity is our ally, the second army of NATO. And all this, verging on ignominy, with the approval of the European Union. Which  has given this Turkish Islamist government € 6 billion to deal with the refugees that Europe rejects.

A government that has just spent € 500 million on a marble palace for president, the bloodthirsty murderer Recep Tayyip Erdogan. With our taxes, the EU is complicit in these heinous crimes. Sometimes those who say nothing are the most guilty. As Martin Luther King said: “This generation will be sorry not of their evil deeds of the wicked but for the silence of good people.”

And those good people are silent… with a deafening silence.

Nusaybin, May 2016, a new European city after a Turkish 'peacekeeping operation'.Nusaybin, May 2016, a new European city after a Turkish ‘peacekeeping operation’ with the approval and arms of NATO and the European Union.!


Nusaybin se rinde, tras 74 días, entre ruinas y un atronador silencio

La fotografía que encabeza éste artículo lo explica todo. Nusaybin ya no existe. Entre sus ruinas hoy se han entregado las pocas decenas de personas que resistían, desde hace 74 días, el ataque brutal del ejército turco. Un asalto inhumano, desproporcionado, entre aviones (sí Turquía ha bombardeado a su población civil en pleno siglo XXI), tanques y artillería pesada contra unos centanares de civiles apenas armados con fusiles.

En Nusaybin sólo queda el silencio. El mismo silencio de toda la comunidad internacional. De ONGs supúestamente humanitarias, de la izquierda europea que sí clama por otros conflictos, de la derecha que exige en Venezuela, de los Estados Unidos que condenan a otros regímenes como el sirio y callan con el turco. Nadie ha ido a Nusaybin. Un silencio global, asqueroso, que ha cerrado los ojos a un Ghetto de Varsovia del año 2016. Del que no se sabe ni el número de muertos, ya ni se cuentan. Cómo mínimo un millar.

US supplied F16 Jets wipe pout Kurdish city Nusybin in TurkeyUS supplied F16 Jets wipe out Kurdish city Nusaybin in Turkey

Nisêbîn, su nombre en kurdo, tenía 80.000 habitantes antes de que el gobierno turco del AKP decidiera borrarla del mapa. Hoy ya no están. Son refugiados en su propio país. Pero no los refugiados que pueden llegar a Europa. Son de los refugiados que no existen para nadie. Los que no se pueden pagar cruzar el Mar Egeo.

No llegarán a Grecia ni a Europa. Vagan por su propi Kurdistán ocupado, nunca mejor dicho, manu militari. Sus invasores los han dejado sin casas, literalmente. Más de 8.000 edificios han sido destruidos por las balas y las bombas turcas. Lo han perdido todo: su casa, sus bienes, sus recuerdos, sus calles. En Nisêbîn, ya no quedan ni perros, o los han matado o han huído.

Nusybin: street sceneNusybin: street scene

El diputado del HDP (Partido Democrático del Pueblo), Ali Atalan, al que se le acaba de retirar la inmunidad parlamentaria, ha cifrado en unos 900.000 € el daño económico. A ello hay que añadir las 50.000 personas que, ni ta sólo, han podido ir a vivir a otros lares. Los que lo han perdido todo. En las pocas paredes que quedan, los soldados, muchos de ellos neo fascistas turcos que saturan el ejército turco, han escrito: “Ahora vereis el poder de los turcos”.


El ejército que ha cometido ésta salvajada es nuestro aliado, el segundo ejército de la OTAN. Y todo ello, rayándo la ignomínia, con el beneplácito de la Unión Europea. La que ha entregado a éste gobierno islamista turco 6000 millones de € para que se ocupe de las personas refugiadas que Europa repudia. Un gobierno que se acaba de gastar 500 millones de € en un palacio de mármol para su presidente, el asesino sanguinario Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Con nuestros impuestos, la UE, es la cómplica, necesaria, de un crimen horrendo. A veces, sin embargo, son más culpables los que callan que los asesinos. Cómo decía Martin Luther King: “Ësta generación se arrepentirá, no de sus malas acciones de los perversos sino del silencio de la buena gente”. Y esa buena gente calla, con un silencio atronador.

from kurdiscat.with thanks

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