Lebanon: the slaughter of migratory birds

World Animals Voice


Not only in Europe,more than 53 million wild birds are legally shot down by hunterseach year, but also in other countries.

Several countries on the Mediterranean are famous for mass killing of migratory as resident birds. Lebanon is no exception and perhaps one of the worst culpits.

The estimated number of illegally killed birds in Lebanon is more than 2,600,000 annually.
Several storks on their way to Europe took a route between residential areas due to an unusual wind.
The hunters of Beirut shot them from the streets, the balconies and the roofs of the houses!A terrible slaughter took place!

We have received terrible pictures.

The images provided were taken in spring 2017 are from “Association for Bird Conservation in Lebanon” and give a glimpse of the situation.

getötete Störche in LibanonSome Lebanese hunters and a terrible loss of wildlife

Every spring hundreds of thousands of white storks…

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