

Bio: Fighting for justice means fighting for justice for all of us and not playing around with the colour of skin. Focus on justice. i am a scientist for educ./psychoanalysis/art - and frankly speaking a savant - discovered that I can do more with blogs & social networks for humans in shadow, children in shadow, animals in need et al - I have some more blogs, please, visit them p.e.: http://www.childreninprison.wordpress.com http://www.schweingehabt.wordpress.com colouredjustice.wordpress.com Curi56blog et al. I am glad to meet YOU here: Annamaria thank you Annamaria

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28 thoughts on “About


    GLOBAL TRUTH INQUISITION (File 2) Page 1. of 60

    Focus: Humanity as a Whole-Mind Truth Awakening.
    (Part of a uniting World Freedom Movement)

    Hello One and All,
    My name is John A. Lennon. I am an ex-prisoner of ill health and corporate mind-control programs, one of many millions of victims who have escaped and now able to help widen the escape route for other prisoners of corporate deceptions and consumer mind control technology. There are billions of ‘mind-imprisoned’ people being denied their true natural sovereign rights as individual humans.

    Forty years ago, who would have thought that we could all be parts of Human Resource Management organizations, whose waste products include millions of damaged people and vast amounts of non-returnable natural resources.

    With ‘expert’ forecasts of worse to come and developing circumstances already changing our lives, the general meaning of sacrifice has already been upgraded to greater levels of life destroying deception agendas, such as ‘Agenda 21’.

    If our prime interests as highly dependent existence stakeholders are ever to be based on a solid foundation of life-enhancing knowledge and healthy self-managed intentions, we would need to use a practical catalyst-of-change which is simple, comprehensive and universal to all people.

    Rather than wars and irreversible toxic waste as reasons for change, it could be that the most appropriate catalyst to stop the rot is none other than a Global Census of Ego- Intent, being a simple universal means of relating to how populations are being trained to think and act in harmful ways.

    A Census of Ego-Intent is a very simple and practical way for every one of Earth’s citizens to declare what they truly support, whether it be more destruction or a new World without war, corruption and fear. A truly universally way of using appropriate action with individuals and whole populations whose minds are being controlled and maintained by specific corporate mind-manipulation and toxic poisoning agendas.

    If you have already escaped or have a desire to escape from corporate harm, then this System-accountable life-security information is for you and the people you care for.

    John A. Lennon World Freedom Activist


  2. Hello Annamaria,
    Tried to send you an email, but it didn’t go through…

    I made the widget. On the left side on your dashboard find Appearance, then click on Widgets. Find the Text widget and drag it to the Footer section. Title it FAIR USE DISCLAIMER, copy and paste the text, then click on save. It should show up at the bottom of all your blog pages. Hope this helps. : )


    1. Hi, here i am again, a Little bit ashamed, I don´t find a way to install this wonderful Award-Icon
      in my blog- do You have an advice for me? Thank You! Annamaria


  3. You say, “Don´t focus on skin´s colour, focus on justice”, yet the name of your blog is “Imprisonedwomen”. So instead of focusing on color, you’re focusing on gender. Does that mean having a vagina makes one more important than having a penis? Being imprisoned with a vagina makes you more worthy of sympathy than being imprisoned with a penis?

    BTW, you can’t play the numbers game, since more men are imprisoned than women. Must be awfully nice having a vagina. Means the world loves you and excuses your actions to the point that you don’t deserve prison, no matter what you do.


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